The goings on

The goings on

We Walk By Faith And Not By Sight.

Missions never stops and we don’t either, no matter where we are.

Support us

I, Erica, am a local artist to Back Bay, New Brunswick and have made multiple physical products here to purchase. ALL the income goes to help us on the mission field. My products expand often as I do my best to help support God’s work while providing you with souvenirs and every day usable items. Please check out our store and consider purchasing, donating or sharing with others. Thank you so much for your support and furthering the work of God.

Erica at the tomb infront of her painting

We needed a refill for our propane gas for our stove so we had it delivered. I saw another opportunity to hand out God’s Word so I ceased the opportunity and did so. In the picture there is only one person though I handed out two Bibles, booklets and gospel tracts.

Ready For Church

Hard to believe how fast my two sons are growing.

Handing Out Bibles to the Youth

It is such a blessing to hand out God's Word. One Pastors asked me for three Bibles for their young people, not only did those three young people get Bibles so did seventy-seven more people. I told them they have to bring God's Word to every service so they can follow along. Thanks everyone that supports the ministry here.

Preaching the Word of God

The third service into the youth camp, I had the wonderful privilege to preach the gospel. I felt led to speak on David and how God used him in his youth. The main story that I used of David was David and Goliath. I also mention about Dale's life and how his passion was to win souls and how he wanted us to continue that passion. I close off in the sinners prayer.


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon it started with Bible games and then went into Volleyball and Basketball.

PREPARATION For The Youth Camp

The pastors and few young people have been working hard to get ready for the Youth Camp for two weeks. They have cemented majority of the flooring, they have extended the space on both sides of the containers to make more room. They have done a fantastic job decorating and etc. What a wonderful blessing to have people working together in unity to get things accomplished for God's Kingdom.

Flooring Between The Two Containers

It has been a busy few weeks. We now have the cementing between the two containers finished. One night Pastor Alfie and his young people volunteer to help cement the flooring. They started at 5 or 6pm and went home around 2am or 2:30am. They did about 35 - 40 bags of cement during that time. Their was still a bit to do after that, though the workers finished what was left. What a blessing to have the flooring down. It will be used for many things which to start off will be the Youth Camp.

Introduce your brand

Yesterday Pastor Zelio, Jessie, Jovar and I walked half an hour each way through muddy rice fields to see a mama cow plus her three month baby (which is a girl) and the Mama is also two months pregnant. The owners are asking for $1,000 Canadian which is a good deal. Normally this would be roughly about $1,300 to $1,500 Canadian. This will be a good addition for the Agriculture Ministry. In due time we will be able to milk the Mama and continue to keep populating the herd. We have been looking for a female cow for many months now though the price has always been to high. If anyone is able to help with the cost any amount will be appreciated.

PREACHING and Handing Out Bibles

I had a pastor and his wife come to the house yesterday asking if they could have some more Bibles. I gave them two boxes and sometime shortly after they left here they went to a school and taught the grade eleven students on "Obedience and Submission" and gave out eighteen Bibles. We are very thankful for the passion they have for Christ. They are doing what Dale requested and they are getting er done.

A Life To Remember

I have known Dale for ten years and I am very thankful for the time God has giving me with him. Even though I which it could of been longer, I am glad he is not suffering physically anymore. He now has two legs, running, jumping singing praises to God alongside his father. What more could one ask for than to be with the presence of the Lord for eternity.
He has left such an impact in my life that leads me to want to do more for Christ. Dale was a very humble man, kind, caring, compassionate, he was one to go the extra mile. During his life time He follow the call that God had on his life. He loved God, his family the ministry, friends, supporters and etc. There is so much more wonderful things I could say about Dale, he was a man that left an incredible impact on everyone for the better, every where he went.
Thanks everyone that has been praying, encouraging, sending lovely comments during this hard period of our lives. We our very grateful for your love and support. Thanks for everyone who took time to watch the funeral online and went to the service in Back Bay NB.

Happy Fathers Day to every father that sees this you are a blessing!

Fellowship WiTh Pastors

So very thankful for pastors in the ministry. In the pictures there is five Sea to Sea pastors. I invited all the pastors to join together (Some could not make it due to conflict schedules) so we can fellowship, exercise and talk about future plans for the ministry.

The pastor with the red shirt I gave him two boxes of Bibles, gospel tracts and booklets on the teaching of salvation and James. I will post pictures in another blog of him handing out Bibles.

Distributing Bibles

This is the pastor that I mention in the last blog about giving him Bibles. Here is few pictures of him giving the Bibles. Where he lives he has to use a boat to get where he is going. (Some places you can take single motor though very narrow roads.)