Who  we  are:


We are the Muise family and we have been working here in the Philippines for quite a few years under SeaToSea, a non-profit organization focused on helping the poor and needy and spreading the Word of GOd.
Erica and I, have raised our three kids here on the mission field since our kids have been mere babies. We homeschool our children and even have them help in the ministry when they are able to, such as gardening or distributing.

~Joel Muise

What We do:

There is a saying, “feed a man a fish, he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.” Well we bring this concept into the biblical aspect of feeding, teaching and preaching.

We grow many variety of crops, and use that as a tool to teach others how to self sustain to feed themselves and their families in a world where food is getting more expensive.

Then, as the garden produces we distribute the produce and share the love of God.